I’m Joining Tailwind Labs

July 23, 20241 min read

This is a very special week for me. Not only is the heatwave in Vienna finally cooling off, but more importantly, it’s my first week joining the incredible folks at Tailwind Labs as a Staff Software Engineer ✨.

Since I started making web apps, many technologies have caused major shifts in how I think about the platform. I began my freelancing projects with a custom PHP stack, but Ruby on Rails and Bootstrap allowed me to ship much faster. I felt a similar empowerment when I started using modern front-end libraries like React and later, full-blown frameworks like Next.js together with TypeScript.

My most recent shift happened when I fully embraced Tailwind CSS for some of my projects. It took some getting used to, but it was incredibly fun to create experiences with it. The success of the Tailwind CSS project, however, proves that I’m not the only one who feels this way!

Because of this, I am beyond excited to join the fantastic team at Tailwind Labs. Together, we’ll make building for the web even more fun and help shape the future of the platform. It’s only getting better from here on.

About the author

Philipp Spiess
Philipp Spiess [ˈʃpiːs]

Engineer at Tailwind Labs.
Prev: Engineer at Sourcegraph and Meta, curator of This Week in React, React DOM team member, and Team Lead at PSPDFKit.